People of heart

A huge thank you to our donors and partners. You are people of heart. Without you, we could not change lives.

A miracle of love and gratitude

“I always tell everyone that a gift to Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne is a gift for life! They’re investing in our health!”

A donation of gratitude in honour of staff

The Pek family’s heartfelt donation brings hope and comfort. Their touching gesture is more than just a tribute.

Nos employés de coeur

Ce sont des gens comme vous qui accélèrent le développement de leur Hôpital. Découvrez les témoignages de nos employés de coeur! Ils vous diront mieux que nous pourquoi ils ont décidé de s’impliquer avec la Fondation.

Pierre, Claude and Sylvie Benny: a family committed to the health of their community

Pierre, Claude and Sylvie Benny are donating $100,000 in stocks.

A tribute in gratitude to the Lemieux family

Does the Lemieux family ring a bell? They are major donors to your Hospital and their generosity was celebrated with the unveiling of a recognition plaque in the new cardiology sector.

Follow Normand Chartrand’s lead! Opt for a legacy gift!

Normand Chartrand has been involved for years in the cause of mental health. He decided to leave a gift in his will for the Hospital in recognition of the care his son, Renaud, received in child psychiatry.

A committed philanthropic entrepreneur at your service!

“The story of my commitment is, above all, a family story. Hôpital Charles-Le Moyne is my Hospital!”

A record $2-million donation

Louise and Denis S. Arcand made a $2-million donation—the largest individual donation in our history.

Young philanthropists among you

Like you, Lili-Anne and Jessie decided to give back to their community. The difference? They’re young adults!

“A monthly donation is like a close relationship.”

The same skill, the same warmth, the same professionalism. All the time. Everywhere. That’s why Michèle and Jean-Pierre became monthly donors.

Generosity as a gesture of gratitude

The Ho Huu family, who fled Vietnam and emigrated to Québec, made a major donation in a gesture of gratitude to their adoptive country.

The Foundation wishes to thank its generous donors who have given patients and their families access to the best health care. THANK YOU!

The Pillars of Health Circle

The Pillars of Health Circle recognizes major donors who have made a large donation of $25,000 or more. Their gift supports the Hospital’s patients to ensure that they have access to the very best health care. Their invaluable generosity offers a high-quality university hospital centre to serve the entire region.

$2,000,000 and

$1,000,000 to $1,999,999

Annie Moisan and Gilles Turcotte
National Bank of Canada
Pratt & Whitney Canada
Sanofi-Aventis Canada

$500,000 to $999,999

Bank of Montreal
Bell Let’s Talk
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
Fondation J. A. DeSève
Fondation J. Armand Bombardier
Benoit Lemieux and Geneviève Letendre
RBC Foundation
The Molson Foundation

$100,000 to $499,999

Abbott Laboratories
A. Lassonde
Alcon Canada
Amgen Canada
AstraZeneca Canada
Régent L. Beaudet
Boston Scientific
Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada
Caisse Desjardins Charles-LeMoyne
Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
Pierre Claprood
CN Employees’ and Pensioners’ Community Fund
Cogir Real Estate
CURE Foundation
Enixum Group
Fédération des Caisses Desjardins du Québec
Fondation Jacques Francoeur
Fondation Lise et Richard Fortin
Fondation Norman Fortier
Fondation Paul A. Fournier
Fonds Humanitaire de la Fraternité des Policiers
Fresenius Medical Care Canada
Groupe Park Avenue
Groupe S.M. International
Norman Hébert
Héroux Devtek
Hoffmann-La Roche
J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
Jean Coutu René Gagné & Marcel Proulx
Laboratoires Confab
Laurentian Bank
LEO Pharma
Medtronic Canada
Novartis Canada
Omnium Marie-José Champagne
Opération Enfant Soleil
Chhoy and Sivanna Pek
PepsiCo Canada
Pfizer Canada
Jean H. Picard
Pineault-Latreille Family
Power Corporation du Canada
Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation
RBC Royal Bank
Sandoz Canada
Roger Savard
Société des Médecins de l’Université de Sherbrooke
Spectra Premium Industries
TD Bank Group
The Jean Coutu Group
Noël Veilleux*
Zeller Family Foundation

$50,000 to $99,999

AGF Group Foundation
Bard Canada
Berlex Canada
Marie-Élaine Berthiaume*
Boehringer Ingelheim
Bouthillette Parizeau
Canada Life
Canadian National
André B. Charron
Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists
Filles de la Providence
Fondation Bon Départ de Canadian Tire
Fondation de l’Hôpital Saint-Lambert
Fondation Emilie Jauron
Fondation J. Rodolphe-La Haye
Fondation Marcelle et Jean Coutu
Fondation Nicole Bissonnette et Raymond Ouellette
Forages C.C.L.
Éric Fortin
Yvan Gagnon
Gestion Emira
Gestion Huguette Fredette
Gestion Plasse
Groupe Classique
Groupe Mercille
Mrs. and Mr. Ho Huu Hien & family
iA Financial Group
Noëlla and André Imbeau Family
Marie and Guy Lamarre
Laurentian Bank Foundation
Marcel Lecompte and Ruth Guilbault
Les Oeuvres du Dr Despatis
Rosaire Lévesque
Richard Lupien
Manson Insulation
McKesson Canada
Dr. Luong Nguyen
Oscar A. Pekau
Luc Pelland
Pharmaprix Oana Bugnariu
Phoenix Medical
Placements H. & A. Lafond
Québecor Média
Renaissance Pharma
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Rôtisseries Benny
Rôtisseries St-Hubert
Smith & Nephew
Takeda Canada
The Bannerman Family Foundation
The Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Command Poppy Trust Fund
Transport Robert – Groupe Robert
UCB Canada
Uni-Select Canada
Wyeth Canada

$25,000 to $49,999

Christiane Allaire
Association des auxiliaires bénévoles de l’Hôpital Charles-Le Moyne
Béton Brunet
Biogen Idec Canada
Biron Health Group
Jean-Paul Boillot
Bonduelle Canada
Caisse Desjardins de Brossard
Caisses Desjardins Rive-Sud
Judith Campbell
Canam Group
David Charles
Walter Charron
Club Lions de Boucherville
Club Richelieu St-Lambert
Connor, Clark & Lunn Foundation
Laurent Delisle
Jean-Guy Duquette
Dutailier International
Église Nouvelle Vie de Longueuil
EMD Technologies
Fondation Denise et Robert Gibelleau
Fondation La Capitale groupe financier
Fondation Les Ailes de la Mode
Fondation Lorraine & Jean Turmel
Yves Gagnon
GDI Integrated Facility Services
Marilyn Gervais
Gestion Trempe
Roger Grégoire
Hasbro Canada
Hospira Healthcare Corporation
Imprimerie Interweb
ING Bank of Canada
Innomar Strategies
Ispat Sidbec
Jarislowsky Fraser
Johnson & Johnson
Gilles Labbé
Robert Lacoste
Yvon R. Lamarre
Augustin Lamarre*
Jacques Laniel
Les Entreprises SBG
Robert Mailloux
Marie Claire Boutiques
Vincent Maruca
Gilles Mercille
Merck Frosst Canada
MS Canada
Northwest Healtcare Properties
Gilles Ouimet
Almée Perreault
Serge Perron
Réal Plourde
Réal Raymond
Rio Tinto
Marc-André Robichaud
Claude Rousseau
Jean Saia
Maurice Samuels
SCA Personal Care
Schering Canada
Siemens Canada
Société d’agriculture du comté de La Prairie
Taro Pharmaceuticals
Teva Canada Innovation
Transcontinental Group
Visal Uon

*Person deceased

The Visionaries' Circle

The Visionaries’ Circle is a unique group of generous philanthropists. They have made a planned donation, a heartfelt gesture. These donors are engaging, today, in the Hospital’s future development. They are ensuring progress in health research for generations to come.


Geoffrey Adams
Jean-Marie Arès
Simonne Aubertin
Robert Barbeau
Eleonora Bavaresco
Giuseppe Bavaresco
Raymond Beauchemin
Dolorès Bélanger Rochon
Pierrette Benoit
Solenne Benoit
Claude H. Bernard
Margot Bessette-Noiseux
Élise Bouchard Baillargé
Roger Brisson
Maurice Bussière
Aurore Carbonneau
Jean-Paul Carrière
Jean Chabot
Jeannot Chartrand
Daniel Cloutier
Maria Corso
Pierre Côté
Benoit Dubé
Shirley Adelia Eagles Stevenson
Éliane Gadoury
Jacques Gagné
Raoul Girard
Dr. Roland Girard
Gilles Giroux
Joseph Alfred Goueffic
Thérèse Gravel Selton
Daniel Hamelin
Shirley Kinsey
Augustin Lamarre
Paul Lambert
Noëlla Lamoureux
Béatrice Landry
Augustine Langlois
Marcel Lauzière
Izola Leblanc
Jeannine Leblanc Labonté
Cécile Leclerc Beaudette
Danielle Leduc
Serge Lemieux
Yvon Leroux
Bertrand Lessard
Thérèse Loranger
Richard Lussier
Georges Marcotte
Roméo Michaud
Fernand Miljour
France R. Moineau
Céline Paquin
Jean-Marc Parent
Krystyna Pecko
Gaétan Perreault
Maren Petersen Christensen
Bernard Poirier
Gilles Prairie
Marcel Raymond
Robert Reddy
Aube René
Gilberte Rigault
Florence Ritchie
Jean-Louis Saindon
Denise Savaria Plante
Jean Sheehy
Igor Sienkiewicz
Annick Sohi
Gustave Sperling
Edouard Spiegle
Simonne B. Trahan
Janine Tremblay St-Aubin
Stéphane Vernet
Guy Vernier

Planned giving commitments

Christiane Allaire
Dr. Michèle Bélanger
Robert Blackburn
Nathalie Boudreau
Normand Chartrand
Pierre E. Dubuc
Mignonne Duquette
Réjean Mallet
Gaston Ostiguy
Marie-Rose Paradis
Louis-Philippe Pelletier
Marie-Claude Saindon
Jean-François Tavan
Marthe Therrien

Vital Allies

Vital Allies is an exceptional community of generous, passionate and engaged monthly donors. Their ongoing commitment is essential in meeting the Hospital’s urgent needs. It is such a privilege to count on the permanent support of these hundreds of loyal donors, like Michele and Jean-Pierre.

And thank you to the thousands of other donors...

You would like to make a bigger difference for patients and join one of our Circles?

Contact me today and let's create impact together

Sylvie Bouchard
Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving
450 466-5487

I’d like to know about the impact of donations.

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© 2025 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Tous droits réservés.

No d’organisme de bienfaisance : 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference

© 2025 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. All rights reserved.

Charitable Registration Number: 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference