Young philanthropists among you

Lili-Anne and Jessie: Barely 18 and 27 years old, and already philanthropists. Between them, they managed to raise $3,500.

There are people like that who inspire us to push our limits. Like you, Lili-Anne and Jessie decided to give back to their community. The difference? They’re young adults!

Coup de chapeau à Lili-Anne Pié. Elle a participé l’an dernier au Défi des générations pour soutenir les familles endeuillées pendant la pandémie. Et elle remet ça cette année. But this isn’t her first contribution! Elle a aussi organisé des concerts dans des résidences pour personnes âgées et participé à la Loto-Liberté.

Then there’s young Jessie Howarth! She raised funds to offer $10 Starbucks gift cards—200 of them—to our healthcare workers.

Mille mercis à tous nos jeunes ambassadeurs pour leur engagement si inspirant. The next generation is already taking up the cause!

Yes! I want to support the patients at Hôpital Charles-Le Moyne.

© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Tous droits réservés.

No d’organisme de bienfaisance : 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference

Honour the memory of a loved one.

© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. All rights reserved.

Charitable Registration Number: 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference

Honour the memory of a loved one.