SOLTIVE Thulium Laser

News about your impact

Your donations have an impact

January 20, 2024

Many of you answered the call for donations from Dr. Élie Antébi, Chief of the Urology Service. Thanks to your compassion, he’s brought relief to many patients awaiting surgery.

Remember back when Dr. Élie Antébi made an appeal for donations to finance the purchase of a new laser? Your incredible generosity promised a return to normal life for patients with large kidney stones or tumours. A promise that was kept!

Before, we had to hospitalize patients. Now, we’re doing day surgeries. Before, surgeries used to last two or three hours… Now, the procedure takes 15 minutes. Before, we removed the kidney and the ureter. Now, we just remove the tumour.

Thanks to you, Dr. Élie Antebi has been able to treat more patients. Faster. With greater precision. And more safely.

There’s no turning back for Dr. Élie Antebi.

The laser offers the best and safest treatment options for urology patients. And now the Hospital has one—thanks to you!

Proof that your donations make a difference. For patients, the Hospital, the community and the advancement of medicine and science.

We reached our goal

Octobre 10, 2022

During this period of GRATITUDE, I really want to say THANK YOU!

I received many testimonials after my call for donations to fund a new laser. Messages of encouragement. Messages of appreciation. Messages of COMPASSION for urology patients. It was incredibly touching!

Thanks to your GOODWILL, I’m pleased to announce that we reached our goal! By financing the purchase of a Soltive Thulium laser, we’ll be able to bring relief to more patients waiting for surgery in urology.

For many patients, this means they can return to their normal lives. And that’s nothing short of incredible!

Thanks to you, we’re going to treat more patients. Faster. Safer. And with greater precision.

Thank YOU for your ALTRUISM. Seeing people helping others out of pure KINDNESS is a beautiful thing!

Thank you again for your incredible GENEROSITY.

Check out Dr. Élie Antébi's fundraising appeal

Ease the suffering of urology patients

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© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Tous droits réservés.

No d’organisme de bienfaisance : 13460 7936 RR0001

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Small or big, every gesture makes a difference

© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. All rights reserved.

Charitable Registration Number: 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference