The wait of many patients

If you only knew… Kathleen, Denise, Suzanne and Marius are just a few of the orthopaedic patients who come into my office in tears.

I’m at the end of my rope. Both of my knees hurt. I used to be an active, fit woman. I did aquafit. I walked every day. I can’t do any of that anymore. I walk with a cane. I have trouble getting up. My ankles hurt. And my lower back hurts because my condition is deteriorating. I’m 78 years old.

Suzanne B.

I need surgery. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t live like this. I’m depressed. I’m in pain, day and night. I’m constantly falling. I’m scared of breaking my hip. I’ve been waiting for a knee replacement for over a year. I live alone. I can’t do anything anymore.

Denise V.

My arthrosis is draining me. And it deteriorated so fast. I have a very hard time walking. Sure, I do yoga and meditation, but… All my friends are sporty. I try not to think about everything I used to do and focus instead on the hope of getting my surgery done soon.

Kathleen F.

What I live with every day is unbearable. My pain never goes away. I have to take sleeping pills at night. And when I’m awake, the pain is almost always there. I’m struggling to hold on.

Marius A.

Some of them have difficulty working. Or they can’t work at all and have no way to make a living. Some suffer from depression. End up divorced. Take opioids all day.

And if we wait too long, they’ll never regain their mobility. We need to fight for them! That’s why I’m calling on you.
Your donation will make a huge difference in their daily lives.

Dr. Hai Nguyen
Orthopaedic surgeon specializing in knee and hip replacement
Hôpital Charles-Le Moyne

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© 2025 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Tous droits réservés.

No d’organisme de bienfaisance : 13460 7936 RR0001

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Small or big, every gesture makes a difference

© 2025 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. All rights reserved.

Charitable Registration Number: 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference