You work for the Hospital?

If you’re here, it’s because you’d like to do even for your Hospital. Our patients are so lucky to be able to count on people as committed and passionate as you! You’re the best ambassadors. You’re our eyes on the ground, letting us know what the Hospital needs.

The generosity of our donors is visible everywhere you look in the Hospital. Added specialized equipment, skills upgrading of our medical teams, research, patient wellbeing… Thanks to you, we’re able to identify projects for funding and maintain the highest quality standards in your departments. We’re here for you! To improve your daily life and the daily lives of your patients.

Here are some ways you can do even more to help us offer the best care in the region:

Payroll deductions—the best way to contribute!

The best and simplest way to contribute? Join our big family of employee donors through payroll deductions. If this option doesn’t suit you, monthly giving is another great way to donate. Patients and their families are counting on loyal donors like you!

Your place is here!

You’re part of a community of generous, passionate and committed employee donors. It’s people like you who drive the development of their Hospital. Discover the testimonials of a few colleagues! They will tell you better than we can why they decided to get involved in the Foundation.

You work for the Hospital and you’d like to submit a project for funding?

The Foundation can help make your dream come true. There’s no department or unit that hasn’t benefitted from the generosity of our donors. Additional specialized equipment, upgrading of our medical teams, research projects, patient wellbeing… We’re there for you! For your teams on the ground and for your patients. We’d love to work with you to offer the best healthcare in the region.

If you’d like to know more about how we can work together, contact Nathalie Boudreau at

Share your story with us!

How has your work at Hôpital Charles-Le Moyne inspired you to give back? Have you participated in the Generations Challenge? Sold Liberty Lotto tickets? Made a donation? Organized a fundraising activity? Your story can help inspire your colleagues to follow suit. Share your story with us at

Yes! I want to join forces with you.

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© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Tous droits réservés.

No d’organisme de bienfaisance : 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference

© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. All rights reserved.

Charitable Registration Number: 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference