Nathalie Boudreau named Outstanding Innovative Manager!

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Quebec paid a vibrant tribute to Nathalie Boudreau, the Executive Director of Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne, presenting her with the Award for Outstanding Innovative Manager during National Philanthropy Day, on November 15, 2021.

Nathalie Boudreau’s exemplary trajectory is filled with remarkable accomplishments. Among them, she took the bold initiative, in spring 2020, of bringing together several hospital foundations into an unprecedented solidarity movement around a shared virtual event, the Generations Challenge.

Determined to do things differently in a changing world, and persuaded that there is strength in unity, Ms. Boudreau inspired three other executive directors of CISSS de la Montérégie hospital foundations to join her flagship event, traditionally the in-person Generations Challenge against cancer. The result was the Generations Challenge against COVID—an unprecedented collaboration to join forces in the fight against the pandemic!

Nathalie Boudreau demonstrated her commitment to collaboration among foundations in the same region. She generously made available to them a strong brand, built over many years, in the hopes of creating a greater impact for the health of the community. In this sense, she was a true catalyst for change. Under her impetus, the four foundations pooled their vision and resources—to outstanding effect! They raised five times more money than in years past and more than $1 million in only two editions! Her leadership also won her the support of elected officials in the region and the mobilization of the busines community, which joined the Challenge.

Ms. Boudreau doesn’t plan to stop there—her ambition far surpasses the boundaries of the Montérégie. Her dream? For all of Québec’s hospitals to join forces around the Generations Challenge for the wellbeing of patients and their families.

About the Excellence in Philanthropy Awards

Each year, during National Philanthropy Day, on November 15, AFP Quebec presents excellence awards to individuals and businesses that demonstrate excellence in their volunteer actions and fundraising campaigns with the goal of contributing to the wellbeing of others and, indeed, society as a whole. The Award for Outstanding Innovative Manager honours a professional who has shown exemplary leadership and exceptional innovation in the philanthropy sector over the last year.

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No d’organisme de bienfaisance : 13460 7936 RR0001

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Charitable Registration Number: 13460 7936 RR0001

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