humane care

By supporting complementary services, such as a support dog, you contribute to patient well-being!

It’s a wonderful project that was a bit of a surprise and a gift. For just a moment, you forget you’re even at the Hospital.

Meet Simba, a 6-year-old blond lab, and a new member of the Centre Intégré de Cancérologie de la Montérégie. He’s always on a leash with Isabelle, his handler, by his side. His job? To soothe anxious patients awaiting diagnosis or treatment.

Simba—or sometimes his sidekick, Kozak—comes twice a week. He walks around the waiting rooms. He visits patients who are waiting for treatment, an appointment or a blood test. And also checks in on those who are accompanying them. He’s very attuned to people’s emotions and takes time with each person based on their own needs.

The support dog allows patients to express their emotions and to feel supported in what they’re going through, respectfully and safely.

His presence makes a huge difference. The waiting room is usually silent. People are caught up in their own thoughts. But as soon as he arrives, patients come to life. Some smile. Others cry. And they start talking to each other.

The staff also really look forward to the dog’s visits. He’s good for them too. He switches things up!

*This project was funded by a couple who wish to remain anonymous.

An innovative complementary service in Québec!

Thank you for supporting projects that can sometimes seem a little audacious—like bringing a dog into the Hospital! But these are the projects that often provide comfort, security, calm and even joy to our patients and care staff. Thank you for contributing to their well-being!

Photo Report

Visit the CICM in the company of Simba, a support dog, and Isabelle Turcotte!

Yes! I want to support the patients in oncology.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Photo Report

Visit the CICM in the company of Simba, a support dog, and Isabelle Turcotte!

It’s Thursday afternoon. Time for the second visit of the week for Simba, a support dog, and Isabelle Turcotte, his handler from Fondation Leski, to the Centre Intégré de la Cancérologie de la Montérégie. This is part of a new program funded by generous anonymous donors of Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Its goal? To support and provide company to cancer patients as they wait for their appointment or treatment to help relieve their anxiety. And to contribute to the well-being of our care teams.

Simba and Isabelle stroll the corridors to visit patients. It’s completely silent.

In the waiting room, Simba visits with patients facing a potentially difficult diagnosis or treatment that can be anxiety inducing. Some patients prefer to remain anonymous, while others are happy to pose for the camera.

Simba also helps those, like Thomas Poirier, accompanying a spouse, friend or parent undergoing treatment.

Daniel Lépine and Sylvie Desrosiers are happy to see Simba. It’s Sylvie’s last treatment. An occasion to celebrate with a lovely visit!

Émilie Labossière has just started her treatment. She can’t stop petting the wonderful Simba and proudly poses with him. As she said, “The dog helps, brings a gentleness, another energy, gets people talking to each other. Animals are always soothing!

A brief moment of respite for Erick Leduc, awaiting his treatment.

Simba’s visit doesn’t just do good for patients, he’s also good for employees, like Julie Charrette, from Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu, who is accompanying a patient.

After a hard day, employee Karine Lachance couldn’t wait to see Simba.

Simba is now a member of the team! Here he is posing with Marie-Ève Déragon, Marie-Josée Lafontaine, Véronique Carrier, Kim Sue Thuot and Karine Lachance from the radiation oncology department.

After so much emotion, Simba and Isabelle take a little break in the sun to recharge their batteries before their second round of the waiting rooms.

© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Tous droits réservés.

No d’organisme de bienfaisance : 13460 7936 RR0001

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference

© 2024 Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. All rights reserved.

Charitable Registration Number: 13460 7936 RR0001

Photo Report

Visit the CICM in the company of Simba, a support dog, and Isabelle Turcotte!

It’s Thursday afternoon. Time for the second visit of the week for Simba, a support dog, and Isabelle Turcotte, his handler from Fondation Leski, to the Centre Intégré de la Cancérologie de la Montérégie. This is part of a new program funded by generous anonymous donors of Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne. Its goal? To support and provide company to cancer patients as they wait for their appointment or treatment to help relieve their anxiety. And to contribute to the well-being of our care teams.

Simba and Isabelle stroll the corridors to visit patients. It’s completely silent.

In the waiting room, Simba visits with patients facing a potentially difficult diagnosis or treatment that can be anxiety inducing. Some patients prefer to remain anonymous, while others are happy to pose for the camera.

Simba also helps those, like Thomas Poirier, accompanying a spouse, friend or parent undergoing treatment.

Daniel Lépine and Sylvie Desrosiers are happy to see Simba. It’s Sylvie’s last treatment. An occasion to celebrate with a lovely visit!

Émilie Labossière has just started her treatment. She can’t stop petting the wonderful Simba and proudly poses with him. As she said, “The dog helps, brings a gentleness, another energy, gets people talking to each other. Animals are always soothing!

A brief moment of respite for Erick Leduc, awaiting his treatment.

Simba’s visit doesn’t just do good for patients, he’s also good for employees, like Julie Charrette, from Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu, who is accompanying a patient.

After a hard day, employee Karine Lachance couldn’t wait to see Simba.

Simba is now a member of the team! Here he is posing with Marie-Ève Déragon, Marie-Josée Lafontaine, Véronique Carrier, Kim Sue Thuot and Karine Lachance from the radiation oncology department.

After so much emotion, Simba and Isabelle take a little break in the sun to recharge their batteries before their second round of the waiting rooms.

You have the greatest impact when you give every month!

Small or big, every gesture makes a difference